Training Course on Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Communities need access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation and hygiene. Effective intervention can reduce the spread of disease, alleviate suffering and ultimately save lives. When local emergency response workers understand how to apply basic Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) strategies, more lives can be saved.
This short course is designed to empower participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of the WASH sector. The course will introduce participants to the core principles for planning, designing and implementing activities to improve sustainable and equitable access to domestic water supply and sanitation facilities and improve hygiene behaviors in both emergency and non-emergency environments.
Training Duration:
5 days
Course Objectives:
After successfully completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the social and economic differences in accessing improved WASH facilities and services
  • Explain the range of health impacts from inadequate WASH and how they can be prevented.
  • Describe the different environmental, social and technical issues of urban and rural sanitation and current approaches.
  • Understand the practicalities around community water supply, waste management (including drainage), and related environmental health issues for effective community hygiene promotion
  • Explain current thinking and practices meant to achieve sustainable WASH services through good technical, institutional and economic principles.
  • Discuss the issue of integrating behavior change in WASH and understand the importance and current thinking to hygiene promotion.
  • Plan and coordinate WASH responses in emergencies.
  • Understand the complexity of delivering safe water and sanitation in an emergency.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to WASH- Definitions and Concepts
  • WASH Priorities in Emergency and development Settings
  • Effectiveness of WASH Interventions
  • Direct Water Supply Interventions
  • Water Source Protection in community
  • Determining Water Quantity, Quality, and Accessibility
  • Rural and Urban Communities Sanitation Management
  • WASH in emergency environment setting
  • Rural emergency preparedness plan
  • Rehabilitation of water supply- maintain water tanks and tap stands
  • Child hygiene promotion activities in a community
  • Hygiene promotion strategy in a community
  • Institutional WASH and management
  • Waste Management in community
  • Community Hygiene & Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation
  • Key Community Hygiene Behaviors
  • Sustainable Community Health/Hygiene
  • Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
  • Understanding Social Behaviour  Change
  • MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) for WASH
  • Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP)
  • WASH Performance and Impact Measurement (Evaluation)

Targeted participants
This course is intended for various practitioners in non-government organizations, Government agencies, International development donor agencies and Consultants.
Training  Methods
The course will be intensive and will be conducted as a workshop with a high degree of participant involvement.  Small group activities will be undertaken   together with practical sessions. Adult learning methodologies will be employed, and participants will not be passive.  Group discussions will be encouraged.
Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.
Course fees
Kenyan citizens: Kshs 100,000/=                International: USD 1,000/=
Payment will cater for tuition, lunch and tea break snacks. Participants will take care of their travel, accommodation and other out of pocket expenses. We can reserve accommodation with prior arrangement.


 Mode of Payment
Payment shall be made through electronic fund transfer to Africa Development Resources bank account 7 days prior to the commencement of the course.
For more information please contact us on:
Telephone: + 254733846186