- Understanding the importance of gender
- What is gender?
- The concept of gender, development and Violence
- Gender and socialization (Social construction of gender)
- Basic gender concepts and terminology
Module 2: Gender-based Violence - Introduction to gender-based violence
- The concept of violence
- Types of Gender-based violence
- The relationship between gender, development and violence
- Gender-based violence from a human rights perspective
Module 3: Gender Analysis and Human Rights - Understanding gender analysis
- Key elements of gender analysis
- Gender analysis using the Life Cycle Framework of Analysis with focus on GBV
- Gender and Human Rights
Module 4: Gender Mainstreaming - What is Gender Mainstreaming?
- Historic Overview of Gender Mainstreaming
- The Concept of Gender Mainstreaming
- The Role of Men in Gender Mainstreaming
- Gender Mainstreaming in Specific Sectors (E.g. Agriculture, Health, Education etc.)
- Gender Mainstreaming and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
- Gender Mainstreaming Best practices
Module 5: Action against Gender-based Violence - Ways of Combating Gender-based Violence
- Addressing GBV practices
- Advocacy, negotiation, and communication skills
- Existing national and institutional action to combat gender-based violence
- The role of UN and inter-government institutions in combating GBV
- Country level case study
Module 6: International Legal Human Rights Instruments Related to GBV - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
- The Bill of Rights
- The European Convention on Human Rights
- The Beijing Declaration & Program of Action
- The African Charter on Human & Peoples’ Rights
- The Convention on the Rights of the Child
Gender-based violence (GBV) has been recognized as a cross-cutting issue affecting the lives of victims from a diversity of dimensions including culture, education, health, economy, psychology, livelihoods and political participation. In fact, violence against women and girls was chosen as one of the critical areas of action following the Beijing Conference. This presents a key opportunity for different players, including government agencies, NGOs, United Nations agencies and other institutions, to build an understanding on issues of violence and undertake activities to combat violence. This online course is imperative to build this understanding and initiate and strengthen programmes combating gender-based violence.
The course also features a number of exercises and reflective activities designed to examine the concepts of gender, gender-based violence, sexuality, and rights. It will further explore the impact of gender-based violence on education, health and development.
This advanced course is aimed at building the capacity and commitment of participants to undertake programs targeted at eradicating gender-based violence and to develop a new movement for gender equality.
Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to Gender
Who should enroll?
This diploma is suitable for persons working in or planning to enter the humanitarian sector, including staff of humanitarian aid organizations, governments, and UN agencies. There are no prerequisites for this course. All participants are expected to have theoretical knowledge of humanitarianism, although humanitarian aid experience is not presumed
Training Format:
• All materials are made available through our Online Learning Platform
• Students should commit approximately 5-6 hours of their time per week
Materials Provided:
Online delivery of curriculum materials, exercises and templates.
In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to submit assignments at the end of every month.
Duration of course – 6 months
ORGANIZERS: Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)
LANGUAGE: English Only
FORMAT: Online Learning
The Academics Manager
Email: info@africadevelopmentresources.org
Website: www.africadevelopmentresources.org