- Introduction to Gender and Development
- Evolution of Gender and Development
- Advanced Theories in Gender & Development.
- Gender, Law & Governance
- Gender, Policy Planning & Development
- Gender and Project Development
- Images of Women & Men in Media and the Arts
- Gender, Conflict Management and Peace Building
- Gender Mainstreaming
- Gender Based Violence
- Gender & Development Challenges in Africa.
- Gender Dimensions in Community Mobilization and Development
- Gender Dimensions in Rural and Urban Development
- Gender in Regional Cooperation and Development
- Gender, Economic Planning & Policy Development
- Gender, Human Rights and Development
- Gender and Empowerment
- Gender, Education and Development
- Gender, Religion and Development
- Development Studies
- You will be required to choose a research topic, share it with the moderator, upon agreement write a proposal, after that do corrections plus writing chapters three, four and five of the whole paper. Guidelines will be provided on the format preferred by the institute.
Gender equality is central to economic and human development. Removing gender inequalities gives society a better chance to develop. A report given by the World Bank to the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 2007 shows that addressing gender inequalities and especially the link between gender and economic growth can lead to: reducing poverty levels, elimination of inequalities hence increase opportunities for both genders and more generally the attainment of the Gender equality is necessary for meeting all of the MDG Goals.
Gender mainstreaming continues to be a challenge even at the international level where 70% of world’s poor are women and children, 1% of the world’s land is owned by women, 66% of the world’s work is done by women for 33% of earned income, 80% of the world’s refugees of Internally Displaced People are women and children and the majority of primary careers in the home are women. These alarming statistics are evidence of acute gender inequality and discrimination against women, a situation which cannot be ignored by any nation or institution if the global goal for economic growth and poverty reduction is to be realized.
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11: Research paper
Module 12: Final examination
Minimum entry requirements
Common regulations governing Post-Graduate Diplomas shall be applicable.
The following shall be eligible for admission.
a) Holders of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University
b) Holders of an equivalent qualification from any other recognized Institution.
The cost of the course is $1200
a) The Entire course Duration is one Year (2 semesters)
b) Candidates shall be expected to Submit 10 Assignments (Continuous Assessment test) that Account to 70 % of their Work and a Project Paper at the Tail end of the course, which accounts to 30 % of the course Work.
Mode of delivery of the proposed programme
Students will access learning materials from our Online learning platform.
Application Procedure
Applicants should fill out a detailed Application form and sent it back via email to the undersigned.
The Academics Manager
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)
Email: info@africadevelopmentresources.org
Website: www.africadevelopmentresources.org