Certificate Course in Business Planning

    Course Overview

    Developing Business Planning skills is vital for any entrepreneur wishing to start-up a business in today’s competitive environment. The whole process of developing a Business Plan forces the entrepreneur to pay particular attention to the key factors that will determine the success of his/her venture, thus addressing promptly and mitigating potential risks. The Business Plan then becomes a planning and monitoring tool to the entrepreneur in implementing the venture. It should be stressed that Business Planning is a dynamic process, with the Business Plan being constantly reviewed and updated to take account of changes in the market environment or changes in the strategic focus of the company.

    The Business Plan serves another important function for the entrepreneur. It is the tool with which the entrepreneur communicates with the potential financiers (venture capitalists, banks) of his/her venture. The quality therefore of the Business Plan in terms of both content and attractiveness of presentation, determines to a large extent the entrepreneur’s success in attracting interest for funding.

    The purpose of this manual is to serve as a guide and educate the participants in developing their Business Plans.

    Course content 

    • Introduction
    • Cover page
    • Executive Summary
    • Business description
    • Marketing segment
    • Operating plan
    • Financial segment
    • Appendix



    In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to submit three assignments.


    DURATION: 3 Months


    COURSE FEE: $400

    ORGANIZERS: Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)

    LANGUAGE: English and French

    FORMAT: Online Learning


    The Academics Manager

    Email: info@africadevelopmentresources.org

    Website: www.africadevelopmentresources.org