Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS) is pleased to announce a Diploma in Grant Management .The course is offered through Distance Learning and runs for  six months

Course Overview

The job of Grants Management involves a difficult balancing act; ensuring that project staffs have the latitude to accomplish something meaningful and at the same time every obligation of the funding source is met. Depending on the operating style of your organization, the complexity of the project and the nature of the funding source, effective grants Management depend on certain core principles.

These principles are valuable in helping to build trust with your donors and making the management process in your organization more orderly. The purpose of this course is to build the confidence and skills of those responsible for managing institutional donor grants and to meet donors’ financial terms & conditions when implementing programs. Effective grant management by project implementers can contribute to more funding for the organization.

Training Objectives
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
a) Identify and understand the critical terms and conditions of grant aid for donor-funded projects;

b)    Ensure compliance with donor terms and conditions;

c)    Providing supporting documents, correct procurement of goods and services and meeting financial reporting requirements;

d)    Managing multiple-funded programmes;

e)    Prepare a donor financial report to match with a project narrative report;

f)    Describe the phases in the grant management cycle clarify key responsibilities and routines needed for successful grant management;

g)    Identify the requirements for closing off a donor grant;

h)    Manage the relationship with donors, head office and implementing partners with greater confidence;

i)    Appreciate that finance and programme staff must work closely for Successful grant management.

Training Approach
We strive to de-mystify financial and project management concepts to Overcome the fear of finance and grants management.

Target Group
This course is specially designed for Project staff who manage institutional donor grants where programmes are implemented directly or through operational partners. The course is also suitable for both finance, administrative and non-finance staff who are new to grant management.

Course Content

Module 1 Introduction to Grant Management

  1. Introduction to Grant Management
  2. Developing a Plan for Financial Sustainability
  3. Establishing Micro-Grant Programme
  4. Creating a Business Plan
  5. Developing a committee to help with Financial Sustainability
  6. Outline for writing a grant application for Funding
  7. Writing a Grant

Module 2 Financial Management and Budgeting

  1. Planning and writing annual Budget
  2. Managing your Money
  3. Handling Accounting
  4. Understanding Non -profit status and Tax exemptions
  5. Creating Financial Audit Committee

Module 3 Hiring and Training staff for Community Organization

  1. Developing a plan for staff Hiring and Training
  2. Preparing Job description and Selection criteria
  3. Advertising for Positions
  4. Developing personnel Policies
  5. Developing staff Orientation Programmes
  6. Developing training programmes for staff

 Module 4 Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. A framework for programme Evaluation
  2. Community Based Participatory Research
  3. Understanding Community Leadership, Evaluators, Funders and their interest
  4. Choosing Evaluators
  5. Developing Evaluation Plan
  6. Participatory Evaluation
  7. Choosing questions and Planning for the Evaluation
  8. Data Collection, Design and Observation system
  9. Selecting appropriate Design and Observation system
  10. Collecting and Analyzing Data

After they have read the material for each unit, students are expected to test their own Learning by completing some relevant exercises and tasks.

There are ten assignments (continuous assessment tests) and one examination to be offered at the end of the course. Assignments and Continuous Assessment Tests account for 70% project paper or examination will account for 30% of the mark. Upon completion of the course you shall be issued with a Diploma Certificate and a course transcript and an international donor directory

Certificate and Transcripts will be sent after successful completion of the course

DURATION AND COURSE LOAD: 24 Weeks - 5 to 6 hours per week
DATES: Six Months course that starts every 1st of the month.
ORGANIZERS: Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)
LANGUAGE: English only
FORMAT: Web-based and Distance Learning facilitated
The Academics Coordinator
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)